BodyFix Method™ Health Care News
Personalized exercise therapy to treat musculoskeletal pain in South Florida
Learn How to Fall Safely
Learning to fall safely sounds like a contradiction but it’s not. Daredevils and stunt men and women make us gasp when they jump and fall and walk away, unharmed, unfazed. We don’t have to do anything that dramatic but the tricks of the trade are there for us to use. If you watched the Winter Olympics, you saw that falling is a big part of most of the events. Most of these young and well-trained athletes fall, some sloppily, some with good form, and some are wipeouts, but almost all of these athletes ski, skate, or walk away on their own. In a snowboard event, the rails can cause a fall or the hard-packed snow and unseen winds can combine to bring about a poor landing after a trick or a jump. The falls are hard. Most of us don’t put ourselves in that extreme position but there are simple tricks, easy-to-learn techniques that can protect us when we fall.
No Such Thing As “No Time” to Exercise: What To Do If You’re “Too Busy”
I never have enough time to get everything done. A while back, I asked almost every client, “What would bring the largest jump in quality to your physical health?” I got 22 solid replies and 15 of them were the same. “I need more time”. Obviously, I’m not alone. There are only so many hours in the day and there’s just not enough to go around. Right?
Get Your Ankles & Feet to Run & Walk Without Pain
The foot and ankle complex is extremely important to the overall function of the human body. Unfortunately, it is the most ignored part of our daily fitness routines. We pay attention to our diet, our cardiac health, neck, shoulders, abs, hips, and legs but where is the daily effort to make the ankles and feet work when we walk, run, or play sports?
Working from Home Is A Pain In The Neck!
Have you noticed how sitting has become your major activity working from home? Think about how much you’re sitting at the computer, watching TV, and reading those books that you never thought you’d have time to read? And, how much more time are you spending on cooking or baking than before? It’s a terrific non-sitting physical and mental activity but all that sitting during the day puts your head, neck, and shoulders in a bad place for standing over a counter or a stove for an hour or so. Let’s fix that.
Get Rid Of Bunions & Foot Pain Without Surgery
No one pays any attention to their feet. We cover them up in high heels, snappy socks, brogues, Oxfords, all kinds of boots, loafers, moccasins, and even sandals. However, foot pain makes us painfully aware of our feet and just how important they are. Foot pain is special – it’s about all you can concentrate on because it hurts with every step. That pain often forces us to sit down and consider our options for getting around…and there aren’t many.